Monday, January 17, 2011

Help Us Grow the San Juan del Sur Library Program

Hola, mi amigos. Me llamo Jeff. It's not my turn to blog just yet (I'll be our final blogger with all things summary-tastic), but I wanted to take the opportunity to talk a little about money. We have seen some great things here in Nicaragua regarding library development and the cause of providing information in an accessible way to your average Nicaraguan. Now that we've seen what we've seen, we'd like to do a little fundraising.

The work of the HJH Libraries for All Program has such an impact both in San Juan del Sur and in encouraging changes throughout the library field in Nicaragua. A number of individuals have asked us how they might contribute to the work and so we would like to give you the chance to make a small donation to the program. Now on the blog in the right-hand toolbar is a widget for contributions. Please consider donating $10, $20 or more in order to support this continually growing program. We think the work being done here is truly for the betterment of the local community and would like you to help us support such work. Thank you so much in advance for your kind support of this project.


  1. Where can people send donations?

  2. Thank you for your interest in donating, Natalie!

    Donations can be made online via Just Give by using the widget in the upper right corner of the blog.
